• Export Customs Clearance and Import Customs Clearance.

We will not ship any shipment unless ALL the required documents are submitted, please submit a copy of your invoice(s) and any other supporting documents to freight@kicbda.com

In order for us to submit the Bermuda Customs Declaration (BCD) all invoices and other supporting documents must be legible and clearly indicate the invoiced items and value of the goods and currency. 

If we do not receive an invoice your shipment will be delayed until one can be provided. As this is a requirement of H.M. Customs, we suggest that you have your supplier send you a copy of the invoice and any other supporting documents at the time of purchase to avoid any delays.

All items arriving must pay the applicable duty rate based on the value of the goods invoiced.

A wharfage fee is also payable to Bermuda Customs, of 1.25% of the value of the goods invoiced.